Thursday, December 30, 2010

Old Year/New Year ponderings

As the year draws to a close many are taking the time to make New Years Resolutions and reflect on the past year.  This past year has brought alot of changes for our family.  We have gone from renting and thinking that the Lord would have us build at SpringMeadows, to being the homeowner of FairOaks.  We have gone from feeling the loss of 2 babies, to expecting the birth of a new one in a short few months. In many ways the Lord has surprised us with His goodness!

Our children are one year older...we are one year older.  Our family has shifted from diapers and car seats, to ipods and algebra.  With H being our youngest and soon to be 5, we will start fresh with the baby stage again.  And this time I have so many helpers.  So many excited big brothers and sisters to greet this little one.  It is far different from when I had so many little ones that all needed their shoes tied and car seats buckled.  But with the baby stages this time, I will have the teenage stages...and all the stages in between.  It is a new experience for us to have boys that are quickly budding into young men, and girls that are beginning to be little ladies.  The conversations change from what is your favorite color, to how will I know the right man to marry?  Instead of frustration over socks not feeling right, there are tears over the realization that Mom and Dad will not always be with you.  Yes, the toddler, itty bitty days are hard...but I am seeing that the teenage days may be just as challenging, but in a different way.  The working with the heart begins to go deep.  The late night talks, long conversations over fears, joys, emotions..I know they are just beginning.  And the joy to see the long labors over their little souls begin to bear fruit.  To see their hearts embracing what they have for so long been taught.  To tremble over their questioning and as a parent to step back and let them make mistakes.  These are weighty things and we feel so inadequate.  But, that is good, for we must lean heavily on the Lord.  It is also amazing to see yourself in your child.  To see them deal with the same things that you had to deal with.  In many ways I have felt as though I am parenting myself, and it gives me such gratefulness to my parents for all the time they took with me.

So as we look to the new year.   There is great anticipation.  A new one joining our brood, Lord willing.  Much hope and excitement.  But, there is also a sense of needing to lean heavily upon Christ as we raise each of these children in such different stages and places in their lives.  To bear the little ones before the Lord, and to guide the older ones as they get closer to spreading their wings.

Our lives are going by quickly and the calender months fly.  It's so easy in our circles to think we must do great things, have the perfect family.  But, as the scripture says "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much."

So my new year's resolution? Simply this.  To lean.  To be faithful in the little things.  To love the Lord more zealousy, to have his love to my soul woo me know Him.  To love my husband and children more faithfully and remember that it's the little things in their lives that mean so much...the well timed word of encouragement, the few minutes spent doing what they want to do, the smile that I so often forget to give them.  And in all this for our entire family to be found leaning, leaning on the Everlasting Arms.  "Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?Song of Solomon 8:5

Happy New Year to each and every one of you! 

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