Our Homeschooling

Every homeschool family should have these in their library!  This is what my girls are using for their science.
Once a week we do a Latin co-op with another family.  It is teaching us so much!  We watch the videos and do the lessons together...what a wonderful tool for even their English vocabulary!

I am using the Writers Express and the Progressing with Courage Grammar together and teaching the children in a group setting their language arts this year.  They love "classroom time".
History has become one of our favorite subjects!  Mystery of History is a chronological world history course.  We have had so much fun working our way through biblical and secular history at the same time.  It has given us such a wonderful worldview!
We always thought we would stick with Saxon, but Teaching Textbooks has changed our minds.  It is written for homeschoolers and comes with video lectures.  The great thing is that it is completely interactive for the first several grades.  It truly does the teaching, correcting and record keeping for you!  We love it!
This is what J is doing for science this year...we have heard great things about Apologia.