Saturday, February 19, 2011

"What if?"

I took this clip at our Sweetheart Banquet with Steve and Annie Chapman...I love this song!

Movie of Keepers At Home

Keepers at Home 2011 from Jim Moline on Vimeo.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stef's blog re: Happy birthday H!

Happy Birthday!

H is 5 years old today (which btw is hard to believe, it seems like she was just 3!). When I'm here on the children's birthdays I make them a special pancake for breakfast:-)

I used Hershey kisses to make a face - it's not often that H gets chocolate for breakfast!

H and I.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to our little H who is 5 today!  Where has the time gone since this precious little one was born in the warm water?  Now?  She keeps up with the rest of her siblings and thinks she is 22.  How we love you our Buggy!

Movie of our date night

Our evening out...

We got to go on a double date with our friends the B couple. The men surprised us with corsages. We went to a sweetheart banquet with live concert by Steve and Annie Chapman. What a treat!

S and I with the Chapmans

Afterwards we went back to B house for sweet red wine and chocolate fondue!
It was night full of smiles, laughs, tears and memories!


These are just a few pics of our family valentines evening.

Newsy update

I realize that I have poorly neglected this blog lately.  And I realize that I will be posting much more frequently on my other blog A Mother's Heritage.  But, once in awhile I will pop over here for the more newsy, personal stuff.

We have been in a difficult season over here at FairOaks.  We were all hit pretty hard with the put me to bed for a few days, and turned into bronchitis.  Then with all the severe coughing that I had, I have had some kind of rib damage (intercostal separation?)  It has been very painful and I am on bedrest to try and heal as soon as possible.  With ribs it can take a long time.  Since I could be having the baby in 7 weeks or, rest, rest is needed.

Other than that, what other news do we have?  We have been busy, busy with continuing to settle into our new home.  S has planted 50 trees that grow very quickly and act like privacy hedges.  He planted them along the road.  He also got an electric fence for Bonnie, so she can now roam free!  Our chickens are settled in and are starting to lay again.  We thought about doing a spring garden, but with the baby coming, I think that might have to wait till next year.  The boys are excited to have found out that there was a fish pond here and so they are going to set out to redig it and restore it.

W is continuing his creativity and is soon to be given a forge FREE from a friend that is an amazing craftsman.  J is excited because the neighbors across our road have a horse farm and are going to hire him come spring.

So life continues on.  We are at the countdown with the excitement is in the air.
I will be posting some of our valentines day fun with the children and S and my night out soon.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Some of you may have noticed how quiet it has been on this blog.  Part of the reason is that I have been putting my computer time into building my new website A Mother's Heritage.  For awhile S and I have prayed and thought about this venture, and the time seems to be now.  I plan to still continue this blog for the more family/personal things that I would not share as much on a sight like A Mother's Heritage.  But, I am seeking to reach out to encourage other women in a much broader way than before. I would love to have you join me there as well.  To quote from my new site:

This is not a supermom blog. This is a not a blog of a perfect mother with a perfect family. I rarely bake my own bread, do not have a beautiful flower garden, my children do not all play the violin, and I do not have it “all together”. In fact, (shhh) I absolutely refuse to follow Flylady’s “wear your shoes” rule. :) Rather, I am a struggling sinner, who looks to the Lord whose mercies are new every morning. I have suffered from depression, am not a morning person, and have a huge bag of unmatched socks in my closet. I am in the journey right along with other moms of many. I am an ordinary mom, but have an extraordinary God! I am a blessed wife to an amazing husband. The Lord gave us an amazing courtship and we soon will celebrate 16 years. Our family has grown to 6 children (ages 13 down to almost 5) and in April we are expecting our 7th. We also have four little ones waiting for us in heaven, whom the Lord chose to take to be with him, from my womb.
I am a second generation homeschooler and we are daily seeking to instill in our children the truths that the Lord has shown us. Our days are filled with lots of busy moments and yes, I do have my hands full…but my heart is full as well.
I used to think years ago that I knew all there was to know about being a wife and mom, about being a godly woman…that was before I had a husband and children. In fact, I could have written books on the subject and counseled others, when I had yet to walk in it. Then the Lord took me down his school of humiliation. And after many years, I see more and more how little I do know. I used the think the Lord would be glorified through my “perfect world”. Now, I see his strength is made perfect in my weakness. He is pleased to use the foolish ones. It is in leaning and the struggle of life with eyes of faith upon him, that he uses his people.
I am quickly entering the time where I realize that I am more and more the “older woman”. It is my prayer through this blog that many other sisters will receive a blessing through the things I share and even through my mistakes and struggles. On this blog we will discuss many things. From homebirth to potty training, miscarriage to depression, homeschooling and schedules to being a Prov. 31 woman. I would like to share scripture passages that bless me and quotes from godly ones of old that have encouraged my heart. I would love for you to share in the little moments of joy, laughter and even tears in our family. And I want to hear from you, my readers. Let’s be a blessing to each other as we are on this journey called life. May we be as in Pilgrim’s Progress, and help each other along, with edifying conversation… as we walk and sometimes limp along the path that leads to life.
So come join me…

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