Saturday, December 11, 2010

Newsy update

It has been awhile since I posted a newsy post.  How are the E's?  Well, they are doing very well, thank you. :) It seems like in a way, things are busier than ever, there is just so much to do in settling into a new house.  S has been busy every waking moment, when he is not at work, he has so much to get done before we feel like we can take a deep breath.  I try to do what I can, but am not so good at hauling trash to the dump, hanging curtain rods, repairing the door window, meeting with people to consult us about a wood stove, hanging sturdy shelves in the closet, hooking up electric to the know, those kinds of things.  Smile.  But, I have been enjoying my end of the settling,...getting everything organized, setting up school schedules and chore lists, buying curtains, decorating the house, making a place for everything and everything in it's place.  Speaking of decorating.  I want to share with you a wonderful home business that my friend has.  Check out Fruitful Vine Creations.  I am so excited about their products!  In my dining room for instant, I have a beautiful chandelier with wheat stalked in it.  We decided to build the dining room around a wheat theme.  Check out my Fruitful Vine Creation above the mantle in the dining room...
This scripture verse is vinyl lettering and looks so wonderful, as though someone painted it on!  So if you would like some verses in your house.  Head over to their website!  We are so delighted!

We are holding an open house for our church family and neighbors next Saturday.  It is also a combination birthday party for my mom!  We are looking forward to it, and busily trying to prepare.  I found curtains for the dining room (still have to get one more for one of the windows) and for the Master bedroom.  I am doing our Master bedroom in navy blue and khaki.  So I will be on the lookout for things to accent with that color.  Blue has always been one of my favorite colors (I have several!), but I realize over the years, how long it has been since I have really decorated with that color.  :)

On another hand, it seems like life is settling down for us here at FairOaks.  We have gotten into a regular routine, and the children seem to enjoy their new schedules.  It seems like a respite of quiet order these days, that is much needed after so much upheaval.

The girls had their first piano recital about a week ago.  It was such a good experience for them as they practiced their skills of gracefulness, poise and etiquette.  They both did beautifully and we were so proud of them!  Here are a couple of pictures from that night...
B is practicing with her friend--they played a duet.

E is on the far left and B is in the blue.  Precious little ladies!

So there are a few updates of life at FairOaks right now.  Love to all of you!

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