We are a busy, happy family who love the Lord Jesus. We seek to please Him in all we do. Our days are very full around here with lots of learnin' and lovin' going on. Since we homeschool our six children there is never a dull moment. Here is a snippet of each one of us...
The Papa: (aka, dear husband of 15 years) is the best husband and father to my children! When he is not at his work (he is a mechanical designer by trade) he is playing and serving his family. S is also a deacon at our church, Greenville Presbyterian. Can you tell I love this man?
The Mama: I am in my late 30s, expecting our 7th baby. We have four little ones waiting also for us in heaven. I homeschool our children and between that and keeping the house, stay quite busy. In my spare time I blog, read, scrapbook, and love to sing.
J (aka Graybo)13 years old : J is destined to be a lawyer or some other language/debate oriented calling. He loves to read, logically reason, work in the shop with his dad, and hunt with his gun.
W (aka Pilly)11 years old: W is sure to be some sort of inventor/designer one day. If we can't find W we know to look in the shop. Whatever he can take apart and build, he will. He spends hours designing and creating!
R or B (aka Sissy) almost 10: I have always called B my butterfly, because with her blond hair flying she literally flits wherever she goes. B is growing up so fast and lately really expressing the desire to do "mommy things" around the house. She is learning to play piano, climb trees with her brothers and is a hard worker.
E (aka Lemmis)8 years old: E is our maternal little thing. She loves to comfort and has great compassion whenever anyone is hurt. She loves tea partys and dollys, but can get as dirty as the rest of the children as well.
D (aka Dbo) 6 years old: There is just something special about our D. He is a charmer and heart melter with his big blue eyes. He also is our family comedian, always saying something to make you laugh or smile. D adds great spunk to our days and is a very busy boy!
H (aka Buggy) 4 1/2 years old: H is quickly growing up to be a little lady. She loves to keep up with her older siblings. She is looking forward to being a big sister. H keeps us on our toes, because she loves to get into whatever she can, thinking she is a big girl. Life would be very dull without H!
We love all our children so much and free very blessed to have each one the Lord has given us.