Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Welcome to our new blog!  In my post Clarity of Vision I explained the new direction the Lord had taken us in pursuing the purchase of the home we now live in.  My husband has named our place Restwood. Why Restwood? In my dh word's we hope our little corner of the world will be..."chiefly a place of rest given to us and to the saints from Christ alone, rest for our bodies but more importantly a secure rest for our souls in a world of trouble."  So welcome, our family and friends, to a place called...Restwood.


  1. Restwood, what a nice restful name...can hardly wait to hear all about it :)

  2. This becomes more beautiful by the minute....

  3. I love it! We have always felt at home with you all. May the Lord bless all who enter the doors of "Restwood" with His everlasting rest.
    Praying for ya'll on this new journey. Thanks for letting us be a part of it.
